BLL Billund Airport: taking baggage handling
into the 21st century

BLL Billund is a regional airport with annual passenger traffic of approximately 2.8 million, meaning that more than 50,000 operations are handled each year. BLL Billund experiences annual growth of up to 5% and a BHS baggage handling system with limited capacity of 3.2-3.5 million passengers a year.
Billund must make a strategic decision with respect to expansion within the next years, and the current only realistic option has been to expand the baggage handling system.
This will require adding a minimum of additional 4,000 square meters to the building and investing in a new sorting system with a total investment frame of 100-150 million DKK.
However with BBHS, only a minor investment can enhance the current system with consolidation system add-ons to bring the capacity to around 5.5-6 million passengers annually.
Key value drivers of BLL Billund developments:
Increased handling capacity to approximate 5.5 million annual passengers bringing an annual business increment of around 160-200 million DKK.
BLL Billund performs its own handling, a reduction of sorting time in the baggage hall of around 50-60% freeing up staff resources to handle the increased activity at BLL Billund apron operation.
A significantly improved work environment.
The possibility of gaining exact knowledge of current baggage management.
The possibility of offering a better passenger service in terms of baggage status information on home tracking and mobile devices.
A realistic payback time on investments in introducing the BBHS concept is less than 3 years which is fast as compared to an expected payback time of 8-10 years at BLL Billund in other system investments.
All arrival baggage at BLL Billund is handled with BBHS Arrival System which introduces significant contributions to the development of work ergonomics, consistent stabler arrival baggage delivery and reduction of mishandled, lost and damaged baggage.