Intelligent Baggage Handling: the solutions

The BBHS System Solution should be considered as an add on to existing BHS systems, and consists of the following units:
Departure Station– Rapid on-demand sortation and BBHS cart loading unit fully able to comply with Airline requirements.
Capacity Boosters – On-demand storage of baggage until needed for sortation and make-up
BBHS Cart – a baggage cart which is filled by the Departure Station and emptied by gravity and keeps all baggage in sorted order for optimised loading in the Aircraft
Arrival Station – receives all baggage from the BBHS Cart and dispatches to the Arrival belt or according to other arrival sortation criteria
The system drastically improves the Baggage Handling work environment by reducing manual handling to a minimum and by approximately 95%.
Out of gauge and oversized baggage must still be manually handled and stowed. Out of Gauge drawer is positioned under and at the rear of the BBHS Cart.
BBHS System fills the automation gap between the BHS system and the aircraft side, the apron’s semi-automated baggage handling process initially included the RampSnake, which was invented by our parent company CPH Inventures in the late 90’ties. In the meantime a number of derivatives of the RampSnake has been brought to the market.
BBHS has ongoing dialogues with most of the Belt Loader and Extended belt loader manufacturers to secure the presence of optimised RCT (Ramp Connector) units mounted on the various makes of Belt Loaders.